Philosophy of Health image
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines HEALTH as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.”

The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure as it is termed. - Organon of Samuel Hahnemann 1

The highest ideal of cure is rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles. - Organon of Samuel Hahnemann 2

"The wisdom of the body is responsible for 90% of the hope of patients to recover. The body has a super wisdom that is in favor of life, rather than death. This is the power that we depend on for life. All doctors are responsible for letting their patients know of this great force working within them.” - Dr. Richard Cabot, Harvard Medical School

Abu Hurayrah RA narrates that The Prophet PBUH said:
“There is no disease that Allah has created, except that He also has created its remedy.”
- Bukhari 7.582

In the Canon of Medicine/al-Qanun fi al-Tibb, AVICENNA defines MEDICINE as “the SCIENCE by which we learn the various states of the human body in health and when not in health, and the means by which health is likely to be lost, and when lost, is likely to be restored. In other words, medicine is the art whereby health is conserved and the art whereby it is restored after being lost”

In this respect Biological Regulatory Medicine is the diametrical opposite of conventional "modern" medicine, which rather treats symptoms in a suppressive way, inhibiting inflammation, and treats cancer solely by destroying the cancerous cells, without addressing the causative "degenerative tendency". - Biological Medicine: The Future of Natural Healing - Thomas Rau, MD.

From the point of view of the doctor of Biological Medicine, in all these disorders at least a partial recovery is possible if partial causes are found which explain at least a part of the picture. Very frequently the body is able to contribute to healing by its own self-regulation, if a principal cause or several partial causes are found - Biological Medicine: The Future of Natural Healing by Thomas Rau, MD.

We can use information that helps correct faulty codes in complementary way. For instance, it has been established that cancer is caused by a blockage in the communication (i.e., information transfer), between cells in the affected area. Pier Mario Biava (2008) discovered that cancerous cells may be transformed into healthy cells if the cancerous cell comes in contact with proteins that carry the appropriate information. - MARIA SAGI Club of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary

Preventing this disease in the first place , and even reversing it by identifying and understanding the root causes, is far more important... - Young Forever by Mark Hyman, MD

We treat the root causes, the imbalances, and all the downstream diseases go away - Young Forever by Mark Hyman, MD 

Conventional medicine describes the what: what disease, what pathway is dysfunctional, what drug to take. The model of functional medicine guides us to the why, to the root causes of diseases and aging - Young Forever by Mark Hyman, MD 

The information theory of aging suggests that disease occurs because of corrupted information in our biological networks, like damaged software code that results in altered signals that prevent our innate healing and repair systems from doing their job. Functional medicine addresses the causes and repairs the corrupted software code. - Young Forever by Mark Hyman, MD 

Scientists have discovered how to activate the body’s own healing and repair mechanisms, turning on the right genes, activating the right molecules, and providing the body with the right inputs to rebuild and renew our bodies. Think of a house remodel. First you need to get rid of old parts and structures—the demo and recycling phase. Next comes the rebuild and construction needed to create the new home. The same is true for the human body. - Young Forever by Mark Hyman, MD 

We don’t treat diseases through functional medicine; we treat the system, not the symptoms. The future of medicine and longevity treatments must focus on treating the whole system. To do that, we need to understand systems biology and the information theory of aging, a framework first proposed by Dr. David Sinclair.

I almost never treat disease; I create health in my patients and the diseases just disappear.

If you have pain in your head, you are likely to receive a diagnosis of a “headache,” but this could be a symptom of many different things. Giving pain medication might help the headache but won’t address the root cause or causes. There are many things that can hurt your head, but only so many ways it can say “ouch.” It could be you have a migraine, or a brain tumor, or an aneurysm, or are allergic to gluten, or are just stressed-out or dehydrated. Without understanding what causes the pain in the first place, you’ll end up with a lifetime of pain, medication, frustration, doctors’ bills, and both a figurative and literal headache. - Young Forever by Mark Hyman, MD

The basic work of science is to break things down into parts, into the smallest fragments of knowledge. But science must be paired with synthesis, zooming out to see how the pieces fit and work together. Your body didn’t go to medical school. It didn’t get the memo that it is supposed to organize itself into medical specialties. It is one whole ecosystem. Every second there are trillions and trillions of chemical reactions happening at the speed of light inside you. It is like a symphony with millions of instruments that must all play in coordination to make music. -Young Forever by Mark Hyman, MD

This page is not intended to replace the medical advice of your trusted healthcare provider or physician, or to diagnose any illness or disease.